Table of Contents

AI Connect Guide - Enterprise Edition

This document applies only to SWIRL AI Connect, Enterprise Edition. Switch to the AI Connect, Community Edition guide

Configuring Swirl AI Connect, Enterprise Edition


Add the license provided by SWIRL to the installation's .env file. It will be in the following format:

SWIRL_LICENSE={"owner": "<owner-name>", "expiration": "<expiration-date>", "key": "<public-key>"}

A message will appear in the logs/django.log if the license is invalid. Please contact support if this happens.


For POV's, SWIRL AI Connect, Enterprise Edition, may be used with Sqlite3. Please contact support for assistance with this configuration option.

For production, SWIRL recommends PostgreSQL.


Configure the database in swirl_server/

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': '<database-name>',
        'USER': '<database-username>',
        'PASSWORD': '<database-password>',
        'HOST': '<database-hostname>',
        'PORT': '<database-port>',

For more information see: Admin Guide - Configuring Django

OpenID Connect

If you will be using OpenID Connect to authenticate and auto-provision users, modify the following variables in the instances's .env file:


Connecting to Microsoft IDP

If you will be using Microsoft as your IDP, place the following in the OS environment - not in the .env file:

export MSAL_CB_PORT=8000
export MSAL_HOST=localhost

Connecting to M365

To connect SWIRL to your M365 tenant, follow instructions in the Microsoft 365 Guide

Connecting to other Authentication Systems

To connect SWIRL to an Identity Provider (IDP) or Single Sign On (SSO) authority it is necessary to configure an Authenticator object.

To view, edit, add or delete an Authenticator, go to swirl/authenticators endpoint.

For example, if using the default local install: http://localhost:8000/swirl/aiproviders


Authenticators have the following fields:

Field Description
idp The name of the authenticator object, which will also be the URL
name The name of the authenticator, which will be displayed to the user
active Boolean; if false, the Authenticator is not available, and no authentication switch will appear in Galaxy UI
callback_path The URL, relative to SWIRL, where the IDP should redirect with the user's tokens
client_id The id of the shared secret
client_secret The shared secret
app_uri The location of the SWIRL application
auth_uri The location of the authentication system
token_uri The location from which SWIRL should obtain authentication token(s)
user_data_url The URL to the user's profile, if needed
user_data_params A list of data parameters required from the profile, if needed
user_data_headers A list of headers required for requesting the user's tokens, such as "Authorization"
user_data_method The method to use when requesting the user's profile
initiate_auth_close_flow_params A list of parameters for CAS2 and other custom authentication flows
exchange_code_params A list of parameters for exchange during custom flow execution
is_code_challenge A boolean setting determining if the exchange code parameters should be sent with every request; defaults to True
scopes A listing of the authorization scopes to be requested
should_expire A boolean setting determining if the token will need refreshing; defaults to True
use_basic_auth A boolean setting to use basic auth instead of SSO for this authenticator


SWIRL comes preloaded with an Authenticator for Microsoft.

    "idp": "Microsoft",
    "name": "Microsoft",
    "active": false,
    "callback_path": "/swirl/callback/microsoft-callback",
    "client_id": "<your-client-id>",
    "client_secret": "<your-client-secret>",
    "app_uri": "http://localhost:8000",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "user_data_url": "",
    "user_data_params": {
        "$select": "displayName,mail,userPrincipalName"
    "user_data_headers": {
        "Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}"
    "user_data_method": "GET",
    "initiate_auth_code_flow_params": {},
    "exchange_code_params": {},
    "is_code_challenge": true,
    "scopes": "User.Read Mail.Read Files.Read.All Calendars.Read Sites.Read.All Chat.Read offline_access",
    "should_expire": true,
    "use_basic_auth": true

To activate this authenticator, a new SWIRL app has to be registered in Azure. Refer to the M365 Guide for detailed information.

Other Authenticators

Please contact support to obtain Authenticators for any other systems - including Elastic, OpenSearch, CAS2, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Okta, Auth0 and Ping Federate.

Connecting to Generative AI (GAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs)

Roles for Generative AI/Large Language Models

There are four "roles" which GAI/LLMs can take in SWIRL:

Role Description Default
reader Providing embeddings for SWIRL's Reader LLM to use when re-ranking search results spaCy
query Provide completions for query transformations OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo
connector Provide completions for direct questioning (not RAG) OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo
rag Provide completions for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using data retrieved by SWIRL OpenAI GPT-4

Managing AI Providers

To view, edit, add or delete an AI provider, go to the swirl/aiproviders endpoint. For example, if using the default local install: http://localhost:8000/swirl/aiproviders

SWIRL AI Providers

Supported Generative AI's (GAIs) and Large Language Models (LLMs)

SWIRL uses LiteLLM and direct connections to support the most popular GAI/LLMs - including OpenAI, Azure/OpenAI, AWS/Bedrock, Google Gemini, Anthropic, Cohere, Llama, Hugging Face and many more. Fine-tuned, locally running models are fully supported.

Please contact support for assistance with any of these, or any other GAI/LLM you may have.

The following links present the models available through LiteLLM:

Editing AI Providers

Edit any AI Provider by adding the id value to the end of the swirl/aiproviders URL. For example: http://localhost:8000/swirl/aiproviders/4/

SWIRL AIProvider - Azure/OpenAI GPT-4

From here, use the form at the bottom of the page to:

  • DELETE this AI Provider, forever
  • Edit the configuration of the AI Provider and PUT the changes

Activating AI Providers

To activate a preloaded AI Provider, edit it as noted in the previous section.

  1. Make sure active is true
  2. Fill in api_key with a valid API key
  3. Fill in model and any items in config
  4. Make sure the provider has the role you wish to use it for in the tags list
  5. Make sure the provider has the role you wish to use it for in the defaults list

For example, here is the preloaded OpenAI GPT-4 provider, which can be used for the query, connector or rag function, and is the default for rag:

        "id": 16,
        "name": "OpenAI GPT-4",
        "owner": "admin",
        "shared": true,
        "date_created": "2024-03-04T15:15:16.940393-05:00",
        "date_updated": "2024-03-04T15:15:16.940410-05:00",
        "active": true,
        "api_key": "<your-openai-api-key>",
        "model": "gpt-4",
        "config": {},
        "tags": [
        "defaults": [

AI Provider Defaults

Use the active property to switch between providers for the same role function.

For example, to switch back and forth between OpenAI GPT-4 and Azure/OpenAI GPT-4 for RAG, the Azure/OpenAI GPT-4 provider would look like this:

        "id": 4,
        "name": "Azure/OpenAI GPT-4",
        "owner": "admin",
        "shared": true,
        "date_created": "2024-03-04T15:15:13.587586-05:00",
        "date_updated": "2024-03-04T15:15:13.587595-05:00",
        "active": false,
        "api_key": "<your-azure-openai-api-key>",
        "model": "azure/gpt-4",
        "config": {
            "api_base": "",
            "api_version": ""
        "tags": [
        "defaults": [

To switch to this provider, set active to true and hit the PUT button to update it.

Then go to the OpenAI provider shown above (with id 16, above). Edit it, set active to false and hit the PUT button. Now the Azure/OpenAI provider will be active for RAG, and OpenAI will be inactive.

Future versions will allow prioritization and fallback between providers.

Copy/Paste Install of AI Providers

If you have the raw JSON of an AI Provider, install it by copying/pasting into the form at the bottom of the AI Provider endpoint.

  1. Go to the endpoint: http://localhost:8000/swirl/aiproviders/
  2. Click the Raw data tab on the form at the bottom of the page
  3. Paste one AI Provider's JSON at a time into the form and press the POST button
  4. SWIRL will respond with the finished AI Provider

Bulk Loading of AI Providers

Use the included script to load AI Provider JSON instantly - including lists of providers.

Using the Bearer Token Service to Update AI Providers

SWIRL AI Connect, Enterprise Edition, includes a Bearer Token Service that obtains new tokens on a configurable basis.

The Bearer Token service issues a POST to a configured IDP URL with a user id and secret, extracts a bearer_token from the response, then updates the api_key of the configured AI Provider.

To configure this service:

  • Add the IDP URL, user_id and user_secret to the .env file:
  • Modify the BT_AIP setting to be the id of the SWIRL AIProvider to update.

If you need to update multiple providers, list them as a string, with commas:

  • In the swirl_server/ file, modify the CELERY_BEATS_SCHEDULE setting to set the schedule for this service. By default, it runs every 20 minutes, but you can change it to any legal crontab setting:
    # every 20 minutes
    # see "Bearer Token Service" below for more details
    'bt_service': {
         'task': 'bt_service',
         'schedule': crontab(minute='*/20'),
  • Start the celery-beats service:
python start celery-beats
  • Terminate python logs if running, and restart-it

This will ensure you see messages from the celery-beats log. However, most of the BT service log output will be in logs/celery-worker.log.

Managing Prompts

Default Prompts

If you edit a default system prompt, your changes will be lost the next time you update SWIRL.

You can view the default prompts from the SWIRL AI Connect page: localhost:8000/swirl/prompts/

Creating New Saved Prompts

  • Go to localhost:8000/swirl/prompts/

  • Create a new prompt using the form at the bottom of the page, or by pasting in raw JSON and clicking the "POST" button.

For example, to modify the default prompt so that the response is in pirate-speak:

        "name": "pirate",
        ... etc ...
        "footer": "--- Final Instructions ---\nIn your response, pretend you are a pirate comedian, but keep it clean!",
        "tags": [ "search-rag" ]

This should produce the following:

SWIRL Prompt Object

Specifying a Saved Prompt in a Query

  • Test the prompt using the prompt operator:
swirl ai connect prompt:pirate

The response should be in pirate-speak:

SWIRL RAG response in pirate speak

Understanding Saved Prompts

SWIRL Prompts have three components:

Field Description
prompt The main body of the prompt. Use {query} to denote the SWIRL query.
note Text appended to RAG data chunks that are annotated by the Text Analyzer.
footer Additional information, attached after the prompt and RAG data. This is a good place to add formatting instructions.

Specifying The Prompt in a Query Processor or Connector

It's easy to specify the Prompt, guide and filter when using a Generative AI (GAI) to rewrite queries, or directly answer questions.

Refer to the Connecting to Enterprise AI section above and also to the Developer Reference GAI SearchProvider Tags section for more information.

Optimizing RAG

Using Summaries

Set SWIRL_ALWAYS_FALL_BACK_TO_SUMMARY to True to cause SWIRL to use the result summaries for RAG. This is the best option for any source you can't fetch pages from due to authentication issues.

Distribution Strategy

The distribution strategy controls how pages are chosen from the search results by source. It is controlled by setting SWIRL_RAG_DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY as follows:

  • Distributed - Keep the sort order and add pages evenly per source. For example, if you had two sources then 5 of each would be added to the list of pages to fetch and would be added to the prompt until the limit of tokens is reached. The sort order is maintained and the swirl_score value is not used.
  • RoundRobin - Pages are added round robin by source, using the sort order within the source and without regard to swirl_score value.
  • Sorted - Pages are added in the order of swirl_score value, and only pages with a swirl_score value greater than 50 are used.

Sorted is the default.

Model Maximum Pages and Tokens

Use the SWIRL_RAG_MODEL parameter to change the generative AI model SWIRL RAG uses. Use the SWIRL_RAG_MAX_TO_CONSIDER, and SWIRL_RAG_TOK_MAX parameters to independently control the number of tokens that are used to compose the prompt sent to ChatGPT.


  • When modifying the model or the SWIRL_RAG_TOK_MAX value, be sure to keep the numbers below the maximums accepted by the model. SWIRL uses model-specific encodings to count tokens but also adheres to the settings when deciding when to stop adding prompt text.

  • The default SWIRL_RAG_TOK_MAX value is not set to the maximum because increasing token number can slow the response from ChatGPT.

Configuring the Authenticating Page Fetcher to RAG with Enterprise Content

The SWIRL AI Connect, Enterprise Edition, includes a Page Fetcher that can retrieve results from sources that require authentication.

SWIRL AI Connect Insight Pipeline

The Page Fetcher will authenticate using the user's token, or whatever else is configured for that source.

The following sections explain how to configure Page Fetching for specific SearchProviders:

Google PSE SearchProviders

The following SearchProvider configuration is recommended for public source data via any Google PSE SearchProvider. This configuration makes use of Diffbot, a page fetching and cleaning service.

"page_fetch_config_json": {
            "cache": "false",
            "fallback": "diffbot",
            "diffbot": {
                "token": "<Diffbot-API-Token-Here>",
                "": {
                    "extract_entity": "article"
            "headers": {
                "User-Agent": "Swirlbot/1.0 (+"
            "": {
                "timeout": 60
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "timeout": 30

If you prefer not to use Diffbot, the following configuration is recommended:

"page_fetch_config_json": {
            "cache": "false",
            "headers": {
                "User-Agent": "Swirlbot/1.0 (+"
            "": {
                "timeout": 60
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "": {
                "timeout": 5
            "timeout": 30


  • The cache parameter is set to "false" by default as of Release 3.0.

  • When the fallback parameter is set to "diffbot", the Page Fetcher uses the normal fetcher first and falls back to using Diffbot if that fails. The normal fetcher is much faster than Diffbot, and if it returns useable content, there is no need to incur the cost of a Diffbot call.

  • The headers values are the headers sent with each page request.

  • The domain specific timeout values serve two contradictory purpose. Firstly, it allows a slow but useful website to return data (e.g. Secondly, it acccommodates sites that 'fail quickly' and should use Diffbot instead (e.g.

  • Diffbot requires a paid account and associated API token.

M365 Configurations

Diffbot should not be used with Microsoft sources.

The field content_url is a template URL that uses information from the search result to build a URL that SWIRL then uses to fetch the actual content.

Microsoft Outlook Messages

Add the following to the Microsoft Outlook Messages SearchProvider configuration:

"page_fetch_config_json": {
        "cache": "false",
        "headers": {
            "User-Agent": "Swirlbot/1.0 (+"
        "timeout": 10

Microsoft Calendar

Add the following to the Microsoft Calendar SearchProvider configuration:

"page_fetch_config_json": {
            "cache": "false",
            "content_url": "'{hitId}'",
            "headers": {
                "User-Agent": "Swirlbot/1.0 (+"
            "timeout": 30

Microsoft OneDrive

The following table summarizes the available configuration options for OneDrive:

Field Description
content_url The URL to fetch to get content of page, if different from URL mapped to SWIRL url` field
mimetype_url The URL to fetch to get the mimetype of the content
mimetype_path JSON path to a string in the fetched mimetype object
mimetype_whitelist List of mimetypes of content to be fetched
  • The configuration below includes a list of mimetypes to be fetched, including text/html, PDF and Microsoft Office documents.

  • SWIRL will need a configured text extractor (next below) to RAG with binary mimetype content.

    "page_fetch_config_json": {
            "cache": "false",
            "content_url": "'{resource.parentReference.driveId}'/items/'{}'/content",
            "mimetype_url": "'{resource.parentReference.driveId}'/items/'{}'",
            "mimetype_path": "'{file.mimeType}'",
            "mimetype_whitelist": [
            "headers": {
                "User-Agent": "Swirlbot/1.0 (+"
            "timeout": 30

Microsoft SharePoint

Add the following to the Microsoft SharePoint SearchProvider configuration:

 "page_fetch_config_json": {
            "cache": "false",
            "content_url": "'{hitId}'/drives",
            "headers": {
                "User-Agent": "Swirlbot/1.0 (+"
            "timeout": 10

Microsoft Teams Chat

Add the following to the Microsoft Teams Chat SearchProvider configuration:

"page_fetch_config_json": {
            "cache": "false",
            "content_url": "'{resource.chatId}'/messages",
            "headers": {
                "User-Agent": "Swirlbot/1.0 (+"
            "timeout": 10

Extracting Enterprise Content with Apache Tika

SWIRL incorporates Apache Tika to extract text from numerous filetypes. The following sections describe how to deploy it.

Running Tika

For local installations, run the following command from the Console:

docker run -d -p 9998:9998 apache/tika

To run Tika from another location, set the TIKA_SERVER_ENDPOINT to that URL in SWIRL's .env file and restart SWIRL.

SearchProvider Configuration

See the Microsoft OneDrive section just above for a Page Fetcher configuration will utilize Tika to convert PDF, Microsoft Office, and other file formats returned from the Microsoft Graph API to text that can then be consumed by SWIRL for RAG processor. Expand the whitelist to include any document type that Tika supports.

Configuring Passage Detection using Reader LLM

SWIRL AI Connect, Enterprise Edition, includes a passage detection feature in the Reader LLM that can be plugged into RAG to enhance accuracy.

To launch it locally, run the following command from the Console:

docker run -p 7029:7029 -e SWIRL_TEXT_SERVICE_PORT=7029 swirlai/swirl-integrations:topic-text-matcher

Configuration Options

The following options are available to customize the Reader LLM. Note that some of them are actually RAG settings.

Variable Description Example
SWIRL_TEXT_SUMMARIZATION_URL Location where the server is listening  
SWIRL_TEXT_SUMMARIZATION_TIMEOUT The maximum time RAG will wait for a response 60s
SWIRL_TEXT_SUMMARIZATION_MAX_SIZE The maximum size of the text block sent to the text summarization service 4K
SWIRL_TEXT_SUMMARIZATION_TRUNCATION If set to true, the SWIRL_TEXT_SUMMARIZATION_URL is valid and only content containing text summarization tags will be added to the RAG prompt  
SWIRL_RAG_MODEL The string identifier of the ChatGPT model to use for RAG "gpt-4"
SWIRL_RAG_TOK_MAX The maximum number of tokens to send to ChatGPT 4K
SWIRL_RAG_MAX_TO_CONSIDER The maximum number of results from a search to consider for RAG 10
SWIRL_RAG_DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY May be one of the following: Distributed, RoundRobin, or Sorted RoundRobin
  • If using the SWIRL_RAG_DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY option of distributed: when all SearchProviders have been consumed, and the number of documents has not reached SWIRL_MAX_TO_CONSIDER, SWIRL backfills from the search result list starting at the document after the last one added from the first SearchProvider until SWIRL_MAX_TO_CONSIDER is reached.

Example .env File:


Text Summarization

When the SWIRL_TEXT_SUMMARIZATION_URL value is set to the URL of the Text Analyzer, SWIRL will send text to that service before further RAG processing. The Text Analyzer will then enable SWIRL's RAG prompt to tag parts of the text that are more pertinent to the query before they are sent to ChatGPT. Here is an example of what the tagging looks like in a prompt:

--- Content Details ---
Type: Web Page
Query Terms: 'Swirl'
Important: Text between <SW-IMPORTANT> and </SW-IMPORTANT> is most pertinent to the query.

--- Content ---
<SW-IMPORTANT>WHO IS SWIRL? </SW-IMPORTANT><SW-IMPORTANT>Getting to know Swirl Swirl is a powerful solution for identifying and using information. </SW-IMPORTANT><SW-IMPORTANT>Swirl was launched in 2022 and operates under the Apache 2.0 license. </SW-IMPORTANT><SW-IMPORTANT>At Swirl we follow an iterative approach to software development adhering to the principles of agile methodology. </SW-IMPORTANT>We believe in delivering high-quality releases through each stage of our development lifecycle

Text Truncation

When this feature is enabled, text will not be added to the ChatGPT prompt unless it has at least one important section tagged as described above. For this feature to be active, two conditions must be met:

  1. SWIRL_TEXT_SUMMARIZATION_URL must be set to a valid URL

When these conditions are met, entries like this appear in the RAG logs:

2023-10-19 09:34:01,828 INFO     RAG: url: problem:RAG Chunk not added for 'Swirl' : SUMMARIZATION TRUNCATION