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Quick Start Guide - Enterprise Edition

This version applies to the Enterprise Edition of SWIRL! A valid license key is required.

  • The recommended minimum system configuration is a 16 core server, with 32 GB of memory and at least 500 GB of available disk space. This should support up to 25 users.

  • To run SWIRL in Docker, you must have the latest Docker app for MacOS, Linux, or Windows installed and running locally. Docker should be configured to use all available CPU, memory and storage.

  • You must be logged in to a valid Docker Hub by opening the command-line interface (CLI) and executing the following command, replacing and with your Docker Hub credentials.

docker login --username <docker-username> --password <docker-password>

Make sure the Docker app is running before proceeding!

  • Locate and open the email message from with subject "Try SWIRL Enterprise". There should be three attachments:

    • Try SWIRL Enterprise with Docker PDF
    • docker-compose.yaml
    • env.license
  • Save the docker-compose.yml attached to the email message to a folder on the target server.

  • Locate the file named env.license attached to the email message to the same folder, renaming it to .env.license as you do so.

The leading dot (.) character is required!

  • Open a command line interface and navigate to the folder where you saved the docker-compose.yml file. Launch the containers by running the following command:
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up

This command will start all the services used by Swirl. It will take a few minutes for the services to initialize.

Do not hit ^C or stop Docker in this window, otherwise SWIRL will be shut down.

After a few minutes, the output will look like this, or similar: SWIRL Enterprise Docker successful startup

  • Launch another command line interface, and run the following command to check the status of the running containers:
docker ps

The output should look like this, or similar: SWIRL Enterprise Docker ps command

If the search page appears, click Log Out at the top, right. The SWIRL login page will appear:


  • Enter the username admin and password password, then click Login.

  • Enter a search in the search box and press the Search button. Ranked results appear in just a few seconds:

SWIRL Results No M365

If they don’t appear, or an error occurs, please contact support.

To use the Generate AI insights button (to RAG on the most relevant results) or use the AI Co-Pilot (http://localhost:8000/galaxy/chat) feature, at least one AI Provider must be activated. These functions will not work “out of the box” without activation.

Review the pre-loaded providers. Then edit a pre-loaded provider by adding the id of the provider to the URL. For example: http://localhost:8000/swirl/aiproviders/16/:

SWIRL AI Provider

For an AI provider to perform either RAG or chat functions, as shown above, it must: • Have the “active” property set to “true” • Have the “rag” and/or “chat” in the “tags” list • Have the “rag” and/or “chat” in the “default” list • Have a valid API key if required

Use the “Raw Data” form at the bottom to make changes. Don’t forget to click the “PUT” button to save them.

To create a new AI provider, copy an existing one and paste it in as a new one, at the bottom of the page.

To use different AI providers for RAG and AI Co-Pilot, set the “defaults” lists different for each. For example, set one provider (e.g. OpenAI GPT-4) up with “rag” in the defaults list, and another (e.g. Azure/OpenAI GPT-4o) with “chat” in the defaults list. (Each provider also needs the appropriate tag, “chat” or “rag”, in the “tags” list.)

  • When there is at least one active, default provider for RAG, you may click the “Generate AI Insights” button at the top of the AI Connect form.

For example: SWIRL Results with RAG

Be sure to verify that RAG is working before attempting to use Co-Pilot.

  • Put in a question such as “What sources do I have access to?” and you should get a result within a few seconds.

  • Direct the co-pilot to search for something of interest, and you should get a RAG result as part of the conversation, including citations:

SWIRL Co-Pilot Conversation with RAG Result

  • SWIRL ships with admin/password pre-configured as noted. This may cause a warning to appear if using Galaxy with the Google Chrome browser.

To change the password, follow instructions here:

  • When finished working with SWIRL, stop the containers using one of these methods:
  1. Via Docker Desktop: Shutdown SWIRL with Docker Desktop

  2. Press CTRL-C in the terminal window where Docker Compose is running: Shutdown SWIRL with Control-C

  3. Execute docker-compose stop from a different terminal: Shutdown SWIRL with docker compose in a different window

These will all preserve the SWIRL database. If you don't care about preserving the database, you can hit CTRL-C twice to stop SWIRL instantly, losing all configuration and data in the process.

Optional Steps

  • Click the “Select Items” button to change the documents used in the RAG, and click the switch again to generate updated insight.

  • To view the raw result JSON, click Search under the API section of the Manage SWIRL page linked above, or open http://localhost:8000/swirl/search/

The most recent Search object will be displayed at the top. Click on the result_url link to view the full JSON Response.

For example: SWIRL JSON response

  • Click the profile avatar in the upper right corner of the Galaxy UI. Then click Manage SWIRL to explore the rest of SWIRL's features.

  • Integrate with Microsoft 365

To connect the SWIRL installation Microsoft 365, be aware of the pre-requisites: • Administrative access to the Azure/M365 tenant • Successful creation of a new app registration in Azure • Addition of the new app ID and secrets to the SWIRL configuration.

This process takes approximately one hour, assuming sufficient privileges are available. Please follow the guide here:

For additional support on M365 integration, please contact SWIRL.

  • To persist configuration changes outside docker:
  1. Identify the name of your swirl docker container, it will contain the term ‘app’ - for example: SWIRL docker container app name

  2. Copy the env file outside of your docker and into the directory in which the docker compose is running: SWIRL container env

  3. Stop the containers: SWIRL containers stop

  4. Edit the docker-compose as follows: Before: SWIRL container config before

After: SWIRL container config after

  1. Restart Swirl
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up