Table of Contents

Troubleshooting SWIRL

This document applies to all SWIRL Editions.

Understanding .swirl

The control script writes the list of services and their associated pids to a file: .swirl

Here is an example of a .swirl file for a fully running system:

{"django": 26391, "celery-worker": 26424}

This file is read by the status and stop commands. Both commands invoke ps -p with the pids for the services to determine if they are actually running and display this information for you.

If you start or stop individual services, the .swirl file should only have the names and pids for running services.

In the event that the .swirl file is out of sync with the running processes, you may delete it, or edit it to match the actual running processes. Be sure to manually delete any running processes.

Finding SWIRL processes

You can find the SWIRL procsses as follows:

On OS/X or Linux:

ps -ef | grep daphne
ps -ef | grep celery
ps -ef | grep redis


All SWIRL services write log files in the logs/ folder under swirl-search.

Here's what to expect in each:

Logfile Details Notes
logs/django.log Contains the log of the Django container, which includes all HTTP activity API calls. Not involved in federation
logs/celery-worker.log Contains the log of Celery tasks Very involved in federation, look for detailed information regarding errors in search.status or partial results
logs/celery-beats.log Contains the log of the celery-beats service, which is only used by the Search Expiration and Subscription Services Look here for issues with subscription or expiration not working

Viewing Logs

From the SWIRL root directory, try running:

python logs/

This will show you the collected, latest output of all logs, continuously.

SWIRL outputs a single log entry with each request at the default log level INFO:

2023-08-02 10:49:09,466 INFO     admin search 452 FULL_RESULTS_READY 32 2.2

Detailed logging is available in Debug mode: restart SWIRL with the --debug flag to enable (or edit the file as outlined below).

Reporting a Problem

If you find a problem, please contact support via email, or on slack, for the fastest response.