Table of Contents

User Guide - Enterprise Edition

This version applies to the Enterprise Edition of SWIRL!


The following new terms are used when referring to SWIRL Enterprise products.

Word Explanation
AIProvider A configuration of a Generative AI or LLM. It includes metadata identifying the type of model used, API key, and more. (Enterprise Edition only)
Chat A SWIRL object that stores message objects, for AI Co-Pilot
Message A SWIRL object that contains some message either to or from a GAI/LLM
Prompt A SWIRL object that configures a GAI or LLM for use in various AI roles such as RAG or chat. (Enterprise Edition only)

TBD: link to the Overview about Co-Pilot

Accessing your AI Co-Pilot


If the SWIRL login page appears:


Enter username admin and password password, then click Login.

If you receive a warning about the password being compromised or in a recent data breach, you Change the super user password.

SSO Login

If your organizations SSO page appears:

SSO page

Login as you normally would. Regardless of the method you use, if you are successful at logging in, you should be redirected to the AI Co-Pilot:

Co-Pilot page

If you encounter an error message, contact support or your local system administrator.

Starting a Conversation

  • Use the input box to send a message to the Co-Pilot.

A good first question is What sources do I have access to?

Co-Pilot sources question

The Co-Pilot should reply within 5 seconds:

Co-Pilot sources

If it doesn't, consult the NEW TBD Troubleshooting Guide.

If the sources it lists don't look correct, check with your system administrator. TBD: link to the solution (how to change description in SP etc)

  • From there, converse with the Co-Pilot with the goal of finding some information. It will assist you as much as it can with the knowledge it has; most importantly, it will ask clarifying questions to help you identify the right source(s) to search, and what to search for.

For example:

Co-Pilot conversation about SWIRL cyber insurance coverage

Ending a Conversation

To end a conversation, hit the SWIRL logo at the top of the page. This will start a new conversation. Co-Pilot will not remember or be able to access previous chat sessions UNLESS it has built-in memory of it's own.

Resuming an Old Conversation

To resume a conversation, construct the URL to the chat session by adding the chat_id: http://localhost:8000/galaxy/chat/?chat_id=1

As of 3.6, neither Co-Pilot or Galaxy will offer a summary of the conversation so far. It is on the calling application to review the history. Direct access to all previous chats is planned for a future release.

Restrictions on GAI/LLM

SWIRL AI Co-Pilot imposes no significant restrictions on the capability of the LLM used. While chatting with Co-Pilot you can do anything the LLM supports.

For example:

  • Chatting in one language and querying sources in others - any languages supported by the model

Co-Pilot chatting in Japanese, querying in English

  • Translating RAG responses into other languages

Co-Pilot RAG response in Japanese