Table of Contents

Microsoft 365 Guide
Community Edition | Enterprise Edition

This guide explains how to integrate SWIRL with an existing Microsoft 365 (M365) tenant. It is intended for M365 administrators who have permission to register new applications in the Azure Portal.

Administrators may also need to grant API permissions so users can query their personal M365 content through SWIRL.

Register a New App in Azure Portal

To connect SWIRL to an M365 tenant, you must register and configure a new App in the Azure Portal.

Once registered, the App allows:

  • User authentication via OIDC
  • Personal M365 content searches using OAuth2 permission consent

Before You Begin

Ensure you have the following details about your SWIRL deployment:

  • swirl-host – The fully qualified domain name of your SWIRL instance.
  • swirl-port – The port SWIRL runs on (only needed if different from the default).

If your deployment is, the swirl-host is

HTTPS Requirement

To use OIDC and OAuth2, your deployment must use https, except when using localhost, where http:// is allowed.

Single Page Applications and Web Protocols require https:// for fully qualified domains.

Getting Started

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal:

  2. In the search bar, type: app registrations, then select "App registrations" under Services.

    Azure find app registration

Create the New App

  1. On the "App registrations" page, click New registration:

    Azure New Registration

  2. On the "Register an application" page:

    • Name → Enter a name for the App (e.g., SWIRL App).
    • Supported account types → Select:
      Accounts in this organizational directory only (MSFT only - Single tenant).
    • Add a "Redirect URI" for a Web application:
      • Platform: Web
      • Value: https://<swirl-host>[:<swirl-port>]/swirl/microsoft-callback.
  3. Click Register to create the application.

    Azure App Registration

  4. The "Overview" page for the newly created App should look similar to this:

    Azure App Details

Configure Redirect URIs for a Single Page Application

  1. Navigate to the "Authentication" page:

    Click on Authentication

  2. Click Add a platform and select "Single Page Application":

    Single Page Application Protocol

  3. Add the OIDC Callback URL:

    Add OIDC Callback URL

  4. Add the Microsoft OAuth2 Callback URLs:

    Add OAUTH Callback URL 1

    Add OAUTH Callback URL 2

  5. Return to the "Overview" page:

    Return to Overview 1

Add App API Permissions

Assign the Necessary Permissions

  1. In the left column, select "API permissions", then click Add a permission:

    Azure Add Permissions 1

  2. In the "Request API permissions" panel that opens:
    • Select the "Microsoft APIs" tab (at the top).
    • Click the "Microsoft Graph" button.
    • Click the "Delegated permissions" button.

    Azure Add Permissions 2

  3. In the search box, enter and select each of the following permissions, then click Add permissions:

    Azure Add Permissions 4

  4. Required Permissions:

    • Calendars.Read
    • ChannelMessage.Read.All
    • Directory.Read.All
    • email
    • Chat.Read
    • Files.Read.All
    • profile
    • Mail.Read
    • offline_access
    • Sites.Read.All
    • User.Read
  1. After adding the permissions, click Grant admin consent for MSFT under "Configured permissions":

    Azure Add Permissions 3

  2. Confirm by selecting "Yes":

    Azure Add Permissions 5

  3. The Configured permissions section should now display all granted permissions:

    Azure Add Permissions 6

Generate a Client Secret

  1. In the left sidebar, select "Certificates & secrets", then click New client secret:

    Azure Client Secret 1

  2. In the "Add a client secret" panel:
    • Enter a Description for the new secret.
    • Select an Expires time range for the secret.

    Azure Client Secret 2

  3. Click Add. The "Certificates & secrets" page will now display a new Client secret entry.

    Azure Client Secret 3

Once the secret is created, copy the value immediately! It will be hidden permanently once you leave this page.

Configure OIDC and OAUTH2 in the SWIRL Client and Server

In the following sections, you will configure OIDC and OAuth2 for SWIRL. Locate the following values in your Azure App Registration:

  • <application-id>
  • <tenant-id>
  • <secret-value>
  • <server-authentication-callback-url>
  • <client-authentication-callback-url>
  • <client-authorization-callback-url>

Finding These Values in Azure

  • Application & Tenant IDs:

    Azure App and Tenant Ids

  • Client Secret Value:

    Azure Secret Value

  • Callback URLs:

    Azure Callback URLs

Updating the SWIRL .env File

Edit the .env file (or .env.docker for Docker installations) and add the following:

MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID='' # deprecated

Updating the Client Configuration

Edit the static/api/config/default file:

  "msalConfig": {
    "auth": {
      "clientId": "<application-id>",
      "authority": "<tenant-id>",
      "redirectUri": "<client-authorization-callback-url>"
  "oauthConfig": {
    "issuer": "<tenant-id>/v2.0",
    "redirectUri": "<client-authentication-callback-url>",
    "clientId": "<application-id>",
    "scope": "openid email",
    "responseType": "code",
    "requireHttps": false,
    "oidc": true,
    "strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation": false,
    "tokenEndpoint": "<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token",
    "userinfoEndpoint": "",
    "skipIssuerCheck": true

The following section applies to SWIRL Enterprise Edition only. Community Edition users may skip to the next section.

Activate the Authenticator

SWIRL includes a preconfigured Microsoft Authenticator, here: http://localhost:8000/swirl/authenticators/Microsoft/

  • Update the client-id
  • Update the client-secret
  • Change the app_uri to the address of the server where SWIRL is installed
    "idp": "Microsoft",
    "name": "Microsoft",
    "active": false,
    "callback_path": "/swirl/callback/microsoft-callback",
    "client_id": "<client-id>",
    "client_secret": "<client-secret>",
    "app_uri": "http://localhost:8000",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "user_data_url": "",
    "user_data_params": {
        "$select": "displayName,mail,userPrincipalName"
    "user_data_headers": {
        "Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}"
    "user_data_method": "GET",
    "initiate_auth_code_flow_params": {},
    "exchange_code_params": {},
    "is_code_challenge": true,
    "scopes": "User.Read Mail.Read Files.Read.All Calendars.Read Sites.Read.All Chat.Read offline_access",
    "should_expire": true,
    "use_basic_auth": true

Click the PUT button to save the Authenticator.

Restart SWIRL

python restart

Activate the Microsoft 365 SearchProviders

The SWIRL distribution includes pre-configured SearchProviders for:

  • Outlook Email
  • Calendar Events
  • OneDrive Files
  • SharePoint Sites
  • Teams Chat

The Microsoft Teams desktop app must be open before clicking a Teams Chat result link.

  • Calendar Events – Only recent events are shown.
  • Outlook Threads – Only the latest messages are shown.
  • OneDriveFolders are omitted; only documents appear.
  • TeamsOnly chat messages are indexed. Files shared in chats appear in OneDrive or SharePoint results.

Enable Microsoft SearchProviders

  1. Open the Admin Console:

  2. Access SearchProviders:
    Click SearchProviders to view all configured providers.

  3. Find and Edit a Microsoft 365 SearchProvider:
    Each M365 app has its own SearchProvider entry.

    SWIRL SearchProvider

  4. Activate the Provider:
    • Scroll to the Raw data tab at the bottom.
    • Change "active": false"active": true


      "id": 16,
      "name": "Outlook Messages - Microsoft 365",
      "active": false,


      "id": 16,
      "name": "Outlook Messages - Microsoft 365",
      "active": true,

Authenticating with Microsoft

To verify that SWIRL-M365 integration is working:

  1. Open the Galaxy UI:
  2. Enable Microsoft Authentication:
    • Click the profile icon (top right).
    • Toggle Microsoft to activate authentication.
    • If required, grant permissions during authentication.

    SSO Provider Login Page

  3. Successful Connection:
    • The Microsoft toggle lights up after authentication.
    • You can now search Microsoft 365 sources.

    SWIRL Assistant discussion

If the Microsoft toggle does not activate after authentication, please contact support. The Related Documentation below may also be helpful.

Related Documentation