Table of Contents

Installation Guide - Community Edition

This document applies only to SWIRL AI Connect, Community Edition.

SWIRL's start-up process no longer starts redis. You must now have redis installed and running before starting SWIRL. Refer to Install Redis for more information.

System Requirements

  • Platform - Ubuntu, RHEL, or OS/X; Microsfot Windows is not supported for local installation due to Celery support
  • 8+ VCPU, 16+ GB of memory
  • At least 500 GB of free disk space
  • Python 3.11 or newer


  • Python 3.12.x (or latest stable) with pip
    • If necessary, modify the system PATH so that Python runs when you type python at the Terminal (not python3)
    • venv (optional)
    • pyenv (optional)
  • Homebrew installed and updated
  • Redis installed:
     brew install redis
  • jq installed:
    brew install jq


  • Python 3.12.x (or latest stable) with pip
  • Redis and jq installed:
    sudo apt install jq redis-server -y

PostgreSQL (optional)

If you wish to use PostgreSQL as a data source or as the SWIRL back-end database:

  1. Install PostgreSQL

  2. Modify the system PATH so that pg_config from the PostgreSQL distribution is accessible from the command line

  3. Install psycopg2 using pip:

    pip install psycopg2

Installing SWIRL AI Connect

  • Clone the repo:
git clone
cd swirl-search
  • To install SWIRL on MacOS, execute this command from the Console:
  • To install SWIRL on Linux, execute this command from the Console:
apt-get update --allow-insecure-repositories -y && apt-get install apt-file -y && apt-file update && apt-get install -y python3-dev build-essential
  • If there are problems running, proceed manually:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
python -m nltk.downloader punkt

Issues with certifications on OS/X? See: urllib and "SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" Error


  • Execute the following command from the Console to setup SWIRL:
python setup

Setup RAG

  • To enable SWIRL's Real-Time Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) on your localhost, run the following commands from the Console before installing the Galaxy UI:
    export MSAL_CB_PORT=8000
    export MSAL_HOST=localhost

For more information, refer to the RAG Configuration guide.

Install the Galaxy UI

To install the Galaxy UI, you must have the latest Docker app for MacOS or Linux installed and running locally.

  • To install Galaxy, execute the following command the Console (with the Docker app running):

The Galaxy UI components should be installed only after running the ./ and python setup commands.


  • Execute the following command from the Console to start SWIRL:
python start

Open the SWIRL Homepage

The following page should appear:

SWIRL Homepage

Open the Galaxy UI

If the search page appears, click Log Out at the top, right. The SWIRL login page will appear:


  • Enter the username admin and password password, then click Login.

  • Enter a search in the search box and press the Search button. Ranked results appear in just a few seconds:

SWIRL Results

  • Click the Generate AI Insight button to RAG using the most relevant results, if you have specified an OpenAI key as noted earlier.

SWIRL Results with RAG

  • Click the profile avatar in the upper right corner of the Galaxy UI. Then click Manage SWIRL to explore the rest of SWIRL's features.

  • To view the raw result JSON, click Search under the API section of the Manage SWIRL page linked above, or open http://localhost:8000/swirl/search/

The most recent Search object will be displayed at the top. Click on the result_url link to view the full JSON Response. For example:

SWIRL JSON response