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User Guide
Community Edition

Please note: we've renamed our products! SWIRL AI Connect is now SWIRL AI Search 🔎 and SWIRL AI Co-Pilot is now SWIRL AI Search Assistant 🤖

Running a Search

  1. Open SWIRL in your browser: http://localhost:8000 (or) http://localhost:8000/galaxy/search

  2. Log in to SWIRL:
    • The login page will appear:

      SWIRL 4.0 Login

    • Username: admin
    • Password: password

    If you receive a warning about the password being compromised or part of a known data breach, you can safely ignore it by clicking OK. However, it's recommended to change the superuser password.

  3. Enter your search terms in the search box and click Search.
    • SWIRL will return re-ranked results in just a few seconds:

      SWIRL AI Search 4.0 Results

The Galaxy UI highlights results with a swirl_score above a configurable threshold.

SWIRL Community Edition retrieves a single set of results per SearchProvider configuration. Fetching additional result pages on demand is planned for a future release.

Filtering Results by Source

SWIRL AI Search 4.0 Results w/Facet Selected

By default, SWIRL returns the best results from all available sources. To filter results, check the desired Source boxes as shown above. Results update instantly.

Click Clear All to reset the filter and view all results.

Sorting Results

SWIRL Results View By

By default, SWIRL Community sorts results by relevancy score. To change this:

  • Click the View By dropdown.
  • Select:
    • Date – Sorts results chronologically. Results without a date_published value are hidden.
    • Top Picks – Highlights the most relevant results from each source.

To see all results again, switch back to Relevancy sorting.

Click the SWIRL logo to reset the search form and begin a new search.

Search Syntax

The following table summarizes SWIRL's support for common search syntax:

Syntax Handling Notes
AND, OR Passed down to all SearchProviders SWIRL does not modify or verify whether a provider supports these operators.
NOT, -term Passed down to configured SearchProviders and rewritten if necessary; removed for providers that do not support NOT or -term SWIRL verifies compliance and down-weights or flags responses that contain terms excluded by NOT.
tag:term Passes term to SearchProviders configured with that Tag in their tags field. The untagged portion of the query is discarded. If a query starts with tag:, only providers with that Tag are searched. Example: electric vehicle company:tesla → Only the term tesla is sent to SearchProviders with the company Tag.
Example: company:facebook → The query facebook is only sent to SearchProviders with the company Tag.


  • AND and OR operators are passed unchanged to all SearchProviders.
  • SWIRL does not verify whether a provider supports these operators or correctly applies them.

NOT (NOT and - Syntax)

  • NOT remains in queries for SearchProviders that have NOT=True in their query_mappings.
    • The NOT operator applies to all terms that follow it (if the provider supports it).
  • NOT is rewritten as -term for SearchProviders that have:
    • NOT_CHAR=- and NOT=False (or NOT unspecified).
    • The -term applies to all terms that follow it.
  • For SearchProviders without NOT=True, NOT and its associated terms are removed from the query.

  • SWIRL scans responses for compliance with NOT statements.
    • If a response contains excluded terms, its relevancy score is reduced.

Plus/Minus (+/-) Syntax

  • + (PLUS) before a term ensures it must be included in results.
    • It is passed unchanged to all SearchProviders.
  • - (MINUS) before a term functions as NOT for providers that support it.
    • If a provider has NOT_CHAR=- configured in query_mappings, -term is passed unchanged.
    • If a provider has NOT=True but not NOT_CHAR=-, -term is rewritten to NOT term.
  • For providers without NOT_CHAR=-, all -term exclusions are removed from the query.

Using Tags to Select SearchProviders

Tags categorize SearchProviders by topic, entity type, or relevant concepts (e.g., company, person, financial).
These tags can:

  • Filter SearchProviders—Only tagged providers are selected when a query starts with tag:.
  • Direct query terms—SWIRL rewrites portions of the query based on the provider's tags.

For example, the funding dataset included with SWIRL has SearchProviders for SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and Google BigQuery, each containing relevant Tags:

    "name": "Company Funding Records (cloud/BigQuery)",
    "connector": "BigQuery",
    "tags": [

How Tags Work in Queries

1. Filtering by Tag Only

If a query begins with tag:, only SearchProviders with that Tag are selected—regardless of their default status.

  • This limits the query to SearchProviders with the company Tag.
  • Unrelated providers are excluded, even if they are default=true.

2. Combining a Tag with a General Query

A default search can be combined with a tagged search for specific terms.

electric vehicle company:tesla
  • Default SearchProviders receive the full query: "electric vehicle tesla".
  • SearchProviders with the company Tag receive only "tesla".

For example, the BigQuery SearchProvider will receive:


This makes direct hits on funding records more likely to rank higher in the results.

Example Response from BigQuery SearchProvider

"results": [
        "swirl_rank": 1,
        "swirl_score": 1316.565600582163,
        "searchprovider": "Company Funding Records (cloud/BigQuery)",
        "searchprovider_rank": 1,
        "title": "*Tesla* Motors",
        "url": "tesla-motors",
        "body": "*Tesla* Motors raised $40000000 series C on 2006-05-01. *Tesla* Motors is located in San Carlos, CA, and has 270 employees.",
        "date_published": "2006-05-01 00:00:00",
        "date_retrieved": "2023-01-11 12:16:43.302730",
        "author": "",
        "payload": {},
        "explain": {
            "stems": "tesla",
            "title": {
                "tesla_*": 0.8357298742623626,
                "Tesla_0": 0.8357298742623626,
                "result_length_adjust": 4.5,
                "query_length_adjust": 1.0
            "body": {
                "Tesla_0": 0.7187157993182859,
                "result_length_adjust": 1.25,
                "query_length_adjust": 1.0


  • Tagged SearchProviders receive a rewritten query with only the terms that follow tag:.
  • Other SearchProviders receive the full original query.
  • SearchProviders do not need default=true for Tags to work.
    • As long as they are active=true, using a tag in a query will invoke them.

For more details, refer to the Organizing SearchProviders with Active, Default, and Tags section.

Relevancy Ranking

SWIRL generates a unified result set by aggregating results from all responding SearchProviders.

Relevancy ranking is determined by:

  • Stemmed word matching to improve recall.
  • Cosine vector similarity scoring using spaCy for semantic relevance.
  • Normalization by query length and token count to ensure fair scoring across queries.
  • Incorporation of the original searchprovider_rank to maintain provider-specific relevance.

The Galaxy UI puts a star next to results that exceed a configurable relevancy threshold, making high-confidence matches more visible.

For more details, see:

Hit Highlighting

SWIRL highlights query term matches in the following fields:

  • title
  • body
  • author

For example:

"body": "<em>Performance</em> <em>management</em> is the process of setting goals and expectations for employees and then tracking and measuring their progress. This can be done through regular one-on-one meetings, <em>performance</em> reviews, and other feedback mechanisms."

Integrating with Source Synonyms

SWIRL supports source synonym configurations to enhance relevancy calculations and hit highlighting.

For details, see the Developer Guide: Integrate Source Synonyms Into SWIRL Relevancy